The body is comprised of trillions of electromagnetically charged cells. The transmission of electrically charged ions in and out of cells, in combination with electrical impulses across cell membranes, creates a natural electromagnetic field within us. When cells become damaged through trauma, injury, disease or surgery their electromagnetic charge is altered, resulting in impaired metabolic processes. A reduction in cellular metabolism can have a detrimental effect on recovery, healing time, inflammation and pain management. PEMFT uses magnetic pulses to restore the electromagnetic fields of damaged cells, allowing them to repair and re-establish their function, reducing the effects of inflammation caused by cell damage. Once the cells have healed, PEMFT improves the efficiency and volume of substances, such as nutrients and waste products, in and out of the cell. The quicker a cell can restore and optimise function, the quicker a tissue within a structure, such as a tendon or ligament, can heal. PEMFT is also excellent for pain management. It achieves this by lowering the
cells voltage; inhibiting the flow of pain chemicals to pain receptors, in turn preventing pain signals reaching the brain.
Benefits include:
- Reduced pain and inflammation
- Decreased healing time Improved recovery time
- Improved blood flow
- Increased cellular metabolism for oxygen and nutrient uptake and detoxification
- Bone healing
- Enhanced cell regeneration
- Improve energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation, stress, blood pressure, nutrient uptake, cellular detoxification and regeneration
- Relaxes spasmodic muscles